by Patrick Pilarski
A collection of short-form travel sketchescontemporary
haiku, tanka, haibun, tanka prose, senryu, and quatrainsHuge
Blue is a poetic tour guide to Canadas stunning western landscape.
Using precise and direct language, the poems in Huge Blue form
junction points between humanity and wilderness under a vaulting expanse
of sky.
Patrick Pilarskis
spare poems shape a pointillist map of the west, placing dot by
dot exactly on the large canvas of place and emotion. His poems
locate the quiet point a hook can never reach with
lyric exactness and flashes of sly fun.
Alice Major
Patrick M. Pilarski is the co-editor of DailyHaiku, an international
journal of English-language haiku, and poetry editor for its new sister
publication DailyHaiga. Patrick's work has appeared in journals
and anthologies across North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan,
and he is the author of one chapbook of experimental haiku and haibun:
Five Weeks. Huge Blue is his first full-length collection.
Recent publication credits include The Antigonish Review, Carousel,
Literary Review of Canada, Modern Haiku, The New Quarterly, and
PRISM international. Patrick's poetry has also been broadcast
on CBC Radio One as part of the CBC Poetry Face-off. While writing Huge
Blue, Patrick was a Ph.D. candidate in computer engineering at the
University of Alberta, studying the use of computer intelligence and
machine vision for rapid cancer testing. He lives in Edmonton with his
partner, poet Nicole Pakan.
Patrick M. Pilarski
has a website at
Alice Major's website is at
Cover design and photography: Patrick M. Pilarski.
Author's photo by Linda Pilarski.