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Gane is the author of a chapbook, Earth Light (Golden Bough
Press, 2001) and the book Even
the Slightest Touch Thunders on My Skin Black
Moss Press, 2002).
She is working on the next two volumes of poetry (A Winter in
Egypt and Island of the Dove), to complete a trilogy
on love, loss and renewal. She lives on Salt Spring Island, B.C.
Lorraine Gane,
one notices her slip out
from the darkened room where the family
eats noon and night by the fire,
and the girl, barefooted
and wearing only a night shift
walks slowly into the cool air before
the light enters the yard.
'You never know,' she thinks,
'perhaps I'll find a flower by the water,'
so she takes a cup hoping to bring it back full
to the hut where everyone is sleeping.
Nothing stirs outside, not even the dog
whose head lies still on the dust.
She takes the path into the grass
thinking of games she'll play with her brothers
when they awake, and sticks she'll collect
with her mother for the first meal,
yet there is something rising in the sky
from the mountains in the west
and now it's louder than thunder.
A rain of heat flashes down
just as she touches a tiny blue
flower by her feet. |