Peter Newton is a poet and stained glass artist living in Winchendon,
Massachusetts. He is a graduate of The University of Michigan and Middlebury
College's Bread Loaf School of English--where he has worked for the
past seventeen summers. His poems are included in Haiku: A Poet's
Guide by Lee Gurga as well as Take Five, The Best Contemporary
Tanka of 2008, edited by M.Kei, et.al. Other poems of his have appeared
in the Atlanta Review, The Adirondack Review, Prairie Schooner, Modern
Haiku and Modern English Tanka, among others.
You can see more of his work on Curtis
Dunlap's blog "blogging along tobacco road" here.
Peter Newton
How to Get Here
Don't spook the deer
drinking from the tub out back
where the driveway curls
around the house
and away from the woods.
Park beside the shed
that should've fallen
years ago except for the veil
of honeysuckle
that twines through it.
Here are the long days
for listening to nothing
but pecans ping the tin roof
sounding like something
bigger than they are.
Days for leaning
the way this whole place leans
into the angle of the hill.
The crickets' stop-and-start
carries the night through
where it's easy to find your way
walking the line of barbed wire.
Halfway to the creek
reach out your hand.
Slip through and sit
under the lone tree. Wait.