Photo by Phyllis Humby
2011 Debbie
Okun Hill
Okun Hill is the current President of The Ontario Poetry Society,
an associate member of The League of Canadian Poets, and a former
communications specialist with Fanshawe College, Lakehead University,
and The Winnipeg Art Gallery. To date, over 185 of her poems have
been published in such Canadian publications as Other Voices,
The Windsor Review, Vallum, and Ascent Aspirations.
The poem "Ribbing" is from her chapbook manuscript You
Are Buffalo Yarn, a collection of knitting themed poems of
which five were recently read on the Fringe (cottage) Stage of
the 2011 Eden Mills Writers' Festival.
He acts as if he's given her a rib
sweet and sour pork no less
a bone to pick on like Eve
complaining to Adam
about how the garden serpent
slithered, strung her along,
pulled the wool and tricked her.
He teases. She teases back.
Equal in height and width
they compliment each other
knit and knit, purl and purl
the ribbing displayed naturally
hand in hand, synchronicity
almost always on the edge.
Beyond their flagstone path
in their Garden of Eden
a chorus of crickets
rustling fig leaves
their unraveling string of laughter.