Glen Sorestad is a long-time Saskatoon
poet whose most recent collection is called A Thief of Impeccable
Taste (Sand Crab Books, 2011). His latest book, a bilingual English/Spanish
volume, was launched in Havana in February. He is a recent recipient
of an Order of Canada (2010) and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012).
Glen Sorestad
Afternoon Amati Recital
At the Amati Quartet recital the man
sitting alongside me is a birder
apt seat mates, we are, one who has tried
to capture winged creatures with the fine eye
of expensive binoculars, while the other
seeks to make a bird's heart beat in a poem.
The bird man tells me he is prodding
a massive bird book towards fruition,
nudging it to flight as a mother her fledglings
to take that final step from the nest.
As the Amati strings soar into celestial heights
of Haydn's 1793 Opus 74 in F major
for string quartets, the bird man and I
are winging through the rarefied air of two violins,
viola and cello, priceless Amati instruments,
the pieces assembled with consummate care
by a gifted Italian family three centuries ago,
these exquisite sounds holding us
aloft on wings soft as breath,
stirring as the lips of love.