Mary Ann Moore is a Nanaimo poet whose
poetry has been produced on the CD, When My Heart is Open, and
in chapbooks: The Names of Things (Flying Mermaids Studio) and Those Early Days Hopeful (Leaf Press). Mary Ann leads women's
writing circles called Writing Life and offers a mentoring program
called Writing Home: A Whole Life Practice. www.maryannmoore.ca
"Fragments" is from the chapbook You are Here (Leaf Press, 2012). It is also the first in the new "leaflet" series announced September 11, 2012.
Mary Ann Moore
Old stone wall,
the house
at Indian Beach.
Village women,
another lifetime,
their voices,
and the drums.
Sapphic circle,
a barefoot spiral
in the sand.
our muse’s name,
word-blessings, gifts –
the wet and mossy stones.
We’ll paint ourselves
with madder root.
Corona of flowers,
no veil,
except – between the worlds.
Sweetgrass burning,
cups full,
nectar, desire-stirred
and sweet.
the stones
call out
our names.