Oct 2010 | 5.5 x 8.5 | 112 pp | 978-1-926655-10-9
| $17.95
Poetry by Christine Lowther
For half the year,
Christine Lowther lives on a floathouse in Clayoquot Sound. The other
half, she lives on pavement or moves about, restless. Her poems come
from the edges of polite society, of the ocean storm, where unexpected
things happen, where changes occur; with a foot planted on each side
she has become a keen observer, a wise voice.
"In this
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman, we discover/uncover her poses:
as poet, memoirist, con-fabulist, and eco photo-journalist. It has been
said that the author writes and gardens on water. She has a genius for
loci, the tutelary deity or the pervading spirit of a place. And, with
My Nature
as her mortal/immortal muse, she is writing the west, coasting The Sound,
Anne Burke
first book, New Power, is an
astonishing collection of heartbreaking force."
George Elliott Clarke
"You have never read a more beautiful
book of poems
about living in Clayoquot Sound."
Josie Osborne
Read an interview
with Christine Lowther in the Westcoaster from Tofino: "Two-Sides-One-Nature"
by Erin McMullan
is an interview with Christine Lowther
on Vancouver Co-op Radio CFR0:
Hosts RC Weslowski and Mark Steinberg
Dec. 15, 2010
Christine Lowther is the author of New
Power (Broken Jaw Press, 1999) and A Cabin in Clayoquot; she
is co-editor and co-author of Writing the West Coast: In Love with
Place (Ronsdale, 2008). Her work has been featured on CBC Radio
and published in anthologies and periodicals including The New Quarterly,
Wild Moments: Adventures with Animals in the North, The Fiddlehead,
Walk Myself Home: An Anthology to End Violence Against Women, Risking
for Change, Salt in Our Blood, The Beaver, Crowlogue, and The
Vancouver Sun. Currently she is co-editing a second anthology on
west coast identities.

Author Photograph: Kate Craig
Cover Photograph: Christine Lowther
Inside the book illustration: Joanna Streetly