Kevin Gillam is a West Australian writer.
His first book of poems, entitled Other Gravities, was published
in 2003, and he has had numerous other poems appear in journals and
literary magazines throughout Australia and New Zealand. He works
in Perth as a secondary school music teacher, free-lance 'cellist
and creative writing tutor.
2006 Kevin
and sea breathes louder,
out in creeds of spume, gulls in
squabble for full stops.
you wish you were up there, all
warm updrafted and
weightless. oceans — who draws the
dotted lines? found a
bottle once, flung off Cape Town,
read the message, but
scrawl of weed said more. does sand
tire of this rush then
suck? "flottle" — best word for it,
while tonight, moon brushed orange,
in no mood for rhyme