publishing poetry only

Monday's Poem

Photo: Phil Walmsley

Joanna M. Weston M.A. has had poetry, reviews, and short stories published in anthologies and journals for twenty years. Has two middle-readers, The Willow Tree Girl and Those Blue Shoes, in print; also A Summer Father, poetry, published by Frontenac House of Calgary.

Link: Joanna's page

© 2007 Joanna M. Weston


a grey tide seeps in over mud
and lines of light catch
on the rim of the bank

the slither of sound moves
under a break of gulls
flying high over sedge

these come back as I lean
tiredness into night

the smell of saltwater on the flats
a miasma lifting into cloud
always coming to the full

always ebbing without weariness
— I hold envy at high tide
and lie under a rippling sea