publishing poetry only

Monday's Poem

"With Issa" is from a series of poems, currently called Without, written in response to poems in Undone by Sue Goyette.

© 2007 Nicholas Power

With Issa

standing aimlessly
a replacement for a scarecrow

I am dancing with Issa
leaning into the wind
arms spread out
heart undone

leaping through the snow
beside the frozen lake
imprinting footsteps
in a spiral dance
that ends in

when everything is moving
the music of the breath
is enough to dance to

     Nicholas Power lives in central Toronto and works as a special education teacher with teenagers who have developmental delays. He recently performed with a sound poetry quartet called Alexander's Dark Band and was a 'wild poet' (found in their natural habitats by participants in Steve Venright's tour of Toronto's Annex) during the Scream in High Park week.
      From the Monastery (poems featuring a fictional Buddhist monk), Starting where I am, and The Steady Pull of a Curious Dog are his most recent chapbooks of poems. His recent collection a modest device was published by The Writing Space. His work is online at and
      He is the publisher of Gesture Press and co-founder of Toronto Small Press Book Fair. Gesture Press has published postcards, broadsides and chapbooks by over 25 different authors since 1984.