publishing poetry only

Monday's Poem

Kathie's poetry has recently been published in the Glenairley Anthology Sparrows on Snow (Leaf Press, 2007); at; at; and in the annual Edmonton Stroll of Poets Anthology. Kathie teaches personal journaling workshops in Edmonton and area. She lives in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, with her husband, Bill.

© 2008 Kathie Sutherland

cramped thinking mind

as a child, she learned to write
in cursive script;
tails and hooks
curvaceous letters.
a careful cramped longhand.

this morning, in her midlife journal
she pens small pretentious letters
perfect for ego thoughts
excuses, cover-ups, denials
fine child hand inside a shadow box.

she chooses today.
lifts pen from page;
erases and erases;
flexes free flow muscles
heaves metaphor
against the stiff confines
of her cramped thinking mind.