Laila Haidarali
is a Trinidadian-born historian and writer. Her poetry
is featured in Tok 1: Writing the New Toronto Narrative; Descant;
Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters, Cahoots Magazine
and online in Sentinel Poetry and ditch poetry.
Sunday Frowns is also the title of her first chapbook, forthcoming
by Trainwreck Press.
2008 Laila
sunday frowns
from a child i wore a frown
the small tempestuous fold
marring the sweetness
mother patted
along plaited blackened hair.
orange patches on maxi-skirt red
filigreed the green
kindly laid for rajahs & ranees
& children dark & playful.
in sunday dress the sisterly debate:
which brown girl inserted into the ring
so often then the smile erupted
fracturing the cut
lying too deeply now
between my eyes.