The Madoc Cows
Their eyes, they're perfect
tide-worn glass
dark tannined waters
At the bottoms of those eyes
ancient creatures
you barely believe in
Soul leaning into the world
those eyes
You want to press them into your forehead
into your chest
Their noses are genital-warm
soft-bodied reef creatures
wriggling blind and hungry across the corals
You wish they were carnivorous, you want so badly
to run your fingers over the rims of those noses
Those eyes
those noses
they're hung on absurdities
This would be true in any case with cows
but it is more true of this small herd
Their bones poke, geriatric
They are understuffed sacks of grain
Those eyes
those noses
two kinds of heaven on a rack of ribs, pre-cooked and carved and hung
on a sawhorse
The flies have every reason to be so cocky
These cows, they bunch together like junkies in a
jostle like maggots over thrown clover,
wait like old women in the nursing home rec room for someone to change
the channel
Perhaps their eyes will roll off the horizon
and their noses will creep into the sultry undergrowth
when their bodies collapse like broken tables