Sean Arthur Joyce
Separate Worlds
Galena Bay, Arrow Lake, April, 2012
Otter unzips the lake's
pristine stillness
her wake dissolving
a spring sky stacked
with steely clouds
still brooding winter.
She reaches shoreline's
sculpted granite,
scampers onto sun-palmed
stone to be with her mate.
They nuzzle, chase,
dive and climb out again,
vanish into a cleft.
We stand watching
with binocularsmortals
seeking a god's-eye view.
Suddenly aware of us,
she raises a whiskery face
to peer back at us
dark eyes wet and full,
wondering what creatures
creep into her realm
from such a distance.
But something soon
pulls her away,
and the curtain closes,
its brief shard of light
extinguished. She cleaves
water swiftly, bound
for favourite fishing grounds.
We follow the elegant
heads of mergansers
certain of their direction,
dowsing for sustenance
and return to the car
as the ferry approaches.
A crack in the veil has opened
and we carry its sliver of light
into our separate worlds.