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Monday's Poem


© 2014 by Beverly Cummings

Beverly Cummings was born and lives in Ottawa.  She has previously published poetry in a number of little magazines most recently an online journal Steel Chisel.  She has been a frequent contributor to The Voice and Open Minds Quarterly.  She has three times placed as an Honourable Mention in Open Minds Quarterly annual Brainstorming poetry contest.  She has five self-published chapbooks.  She now has a trade book:  A Good Death.

"Poetry: Sin of Omission" took an Honourable Mention in Open Minds Quarterly's Brainstorm poetry contest 2013.

Poetry:  Sin of Omission

I am a dandelion sister.
A small voice.

She was crazy round the eyes at the picnic.
Others have looked this way.

Think of my father and feel lost.
Even in death he cheats me.

Walk to the Y under renovation
asbestos flagellates the air.

Autumn convened by the food we eat—
melons, pumpkin, corn on the cob.

How groceries are sold by attraction—
first you see and smell

tulips, carnations, roses,
hyacinths, azaleas, daisies

then cinnabar strawberries, piquant oranges,
bursting yellow grapefruit.

Sculpted, carved clouds roil.

Lightning straddles the sky.
Worry until you can’t worry anymore.

Is poetry only the sin of omission?
Then, it is time I stopped writing about you.


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