Powell River resident Allan Brown
grew up in Victoria and still retains some colourful memories of the
city. His nineteenth volume of poetry, the chapbook Biblical Sonatas,
was issued by Serengeti Press in February. His chapbook
(Leaf Press, 2002) was co-winnner of the bpNichol Chapbook
A somewhat different version of this piece appeared in Nebula
magazine #11.
2008 Allan Brown
Colours of Remembering
I remember the body
of the colour red:
a dusty, whispering red
(that I can’t quite hear)
but still know that it is, was
the loose suede cover of
a “King of the Golden River”
that I owned,
oh maybe it was
40 years ago?
And still
it my turning again
to the fervid purple instant
of that pitiless fountain
facing the harbour -- night
would darken & fountain glisten,
aye yah! glitter
and swerve; & a trembling boy
to observe in singly
one sunder of time; and
done, and done.